
They bowed down and worshipped Him.
Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts.

- Matthew 2:11

Ways To Give

Give in Person

Join us for worship on Sunday at 8:45 AM.

Give Online

Set up an account right here on our website or in our app. 

Mail a Check

Drop it in the mail addressed to First United Methodist Church at 501 Howe St., Green Bay, WI 54301.

In gratitude for God's blessings...

From the Garden of Eden on, the Bible reveals our role and our purpose. We are stewards. Everything we have comes from God, and He entrusts the things He has made and given to our care.

True Christian stewardship, therefore, is about far more than just giving to the church. It is a wise and godly management of every gift of God for His purposes. Giving is just one part of that. But it is rightly the first part, for the biblical standard is that we offer to God our first and our best.

It is time for the friends and members of First Church to complete our pledge cards for 2024. On the surface, of course, these cards are about our giving. Yet, in the big picture, we recognize that they are really just one part of our larger stewardship.

You can obtain a pledge card from the church, which you may fill out and return. Or you can complete this online pledge form, which will go directly to our Financial Manager. You may also communicate your pledge by phone (920) 437-9252.

Whatever we do, let it be done in love!

Complete your 2024 Pledge Card

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